TEN POINTS OF VIEW - Proposed by Gerry Boretta
Select ONE subject.
Make 10 different images of that one subject
- First close your eyes and breathe in and out a few times
- Next open your eyes and look at your subject
- Before you click the shutter DO SOMETHING YOU MIGHT ORDINARILY NEVER DO for example but not limited to:…..lie on your belly, shine a light, take light away, turn things around or upside down, move things, move yourself, make multiple exposures, overexpose, under expose, put something over or on your lens, spray water, run, jump…anything at all
- Now make your image, look at the image you created
- Now close your eyes again and breathe in and out a few times
- Now open your eyes and look again at your subject, see it differently by doing something different.
- Make another image
- Pay attention to how your image was changed by what you did. (magic happens when you do this, you begin to ‘see’ differently J)
- REPEAT the process until you have up to 10 different images of the same subject from up to 10 different points of view.