Meeting at the Centrer
Minoru Centre for Active Living 7191 Granville Avenue, Richmond, British Columbia, CanadaAgenda Show the Monthly Challenge Images Session with the Sony Camera Rep.
Photo Enthusiasts
Agenda Show the Monthly Challenge Images Session with the Sony Camera Rep.
Agenda Open Gallery Images. Demonstration on editing photos with an iPad. The Challenge for this month is "Local Life", to be show on February 24th meeting.
Agenda Show monthly challenge images, "Local Life" Interview, Getting to know a Member.
Agenda Open Gallery Images. This session will be on Double Exposures, and the App PhotoPills. This months challenge will be " Abstracts in B&W", to be show on March 24th.
Agenda Showing the monthly challenge images, "Abstracts in B&W". Session on High key, and Low Key images.
Agenda Showing the Slideshows, of images from "2024".